Submission Guidelines

And as a heads up, I want to see a FULL proposal as our point of contact


1. Cover letter. I like to see one as if you are writing a detailed query letter

2. Short bio. As it would appear on book jacket

3. Long bio. Tell me who you are! I want to know about you

4. Short one-page summary of your book, 4-a jacket blurb, about 1 paragraph

5. Market analysis. Who is your target audience? BE SURE that you can answer this. Otherwise, how can you write the book

6. Competitives. What books would garner the same readers as yours? 2 or 3 from within the last 5 years (the more current, the better)

7. Marketing strategies. YES! The dreaded platform. It’s fine, don’t stress, but let me know how you are going to help a publisher market your book and what you are doing right now to network successfully? Not what WILL you do

8. Synopsis. 2-3 single-spaced pages covering the entire story. For Love Inspired, 3-5 pages

9. Emotional payload. What is the reader taking away from the story? Has he or she learned something they can apply to their lives like the characters did

10. First three consecutive chapters


1. Cover letter. I like to see one as if you are writing a detailed query letter

2. Short bio. As it would appear on book jacket

3. Long bio. Tell me who you are! I want to know more about you

4. Short one-page summary of your book

5. Market analysis. Who is your target audience? BE SURE that you can answer this. Otherwise, how can you write the book

6. Competitives. What books would garner the same readers as yours? 2 or 3 from within the last 5 years (the more current, the better)

7. Chapter outline. Please, only a couple of sentences telling me about each chapter

8. Marketing strategies. What makes you the right person to write about this topic? Why you and why now? And how are you reaching potential readers at this time? Not, what WILL you do. What ARE you doing now

9. Felt need. The emotional payload of your book. What has your reader taken away from the book. Can they apply it to their lives

10. First chapter and two more chapters of your choice

This isn’t a test and you’ll do fine. A great proposal is done in a ONE Word document with no extra attachments (and NOT as a cut and paste into the email). It will be produced in Times New Roman, 12 pt. No flowers or fancies of any kind. Just solid writing. It will be entirely single-spaced EXCEPT for the sample chapters which will be double-spaced. With 1″ margins all around, it will look professional and encourage an agent to sit up and take notice.

If you like, you can include a sell sheet or a one-sheet, but it isn’t necessary. A great pitch/tagline included in your letter is a winning attribute if you can write one that hooks me and forces me to want to keep reading. One last little hint: give me a first page that tells me you know how to write, know how to develop amazing characters, and you have something wonderful happening. In other words, a FIRST PAGE THAT POPS! Don’t give me a chance to reject it because your first page is so slow that I’m snoozing before I pass GO.

You may email it to me directly at OR Please ensure you put “Proposal” in the subject field. Please submit .doc/.docx or .rtf only. No pdf. It will take me anywhere from a few days to a month to get back to you. If you haven’t heard anything from me by then, feel free to nudge me since occasionally, a proposal or query gets lost in the Spam folder. Please wait at least a couple of weeks before following up.

I DO NOT HANDLE: CHILDRENS’, SCI-FI/FANTASY/SPEC OF ANY KIND, MEMOIR, VERY LITTLE BIBLE, AND NO BOOKS WITH PROFANITY AND/OR GRAPHIC SEXUALITY.  For nonfiction, please understand you need a solid platform to move forward. And at this time, only books from authors in North America(US and Canada) unless specifically requested.

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This form is for general questions and comments. For submissions, please review the procedure on the Submission Guidelines page. Thanks, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.